Emotional Management For Single Moms - The Top 7 Tips to Help You Work With Your Emotions

By Louisa Chan

(Publisher's Note: Being a single Mom can wreck havic on your emotions. The information provided in this article will help you in bringing your emotions under control.)

Single mothers often find themselves experiencing heightened states of emotion as they try to make ends meet while taking care of family, work and the children all on their own. Emotions are powerful and you want to know how to work with them to your advantage.

Single moms often find themselves experiencing heightened states of emotion as they try to make ends meet while taking care of family, work and the children all on their own. Emotions are powerful and you want to know how to work with them to your advantage. Here are the top 7 tips for managing your emotions:

Tip 1 - Pen Down Your Emotions - When you feel emotions getting the better of you, pen down your thoughts and emotions. The physical act of getting it down on paper and reading it out loud help you process the emotions and things get clearer. You see why you are affected and understand what triggers to look out for as you begin to deal with the source causing you the stress.

Tip 2 - Nice Hot Cup of Herbal Tea - There is nothing I enjoy more than relaxing with a nice cup of hot herbal tea on my favorite chair looking out into the window. It soothes the mind and relaxes the body. Some herbs have been known to help relieve stress and anxiety; you can tap into that property by sipping a nice hot cup of tea.

Tip 3 - Listen to Soothing Music - Music can influence your mood, reduce anxiety and stress and bring about positive changes to your emotional states. Close your eyes and listen attentively to the sound, texture and color of the music, let it speak to you and you will find yourself calmer and more peaceful.

Tip 4 - Look at Photos of Your Children - Have you tried looking at photos of your babies as they grow up? Does that not bring a smile onto your face? Hold that smile and acknowledge yourself for the wonderful work you are doing as you raise and nurture your children. You will experience a flood of love, joy and fulfillment taming any negative feelings.

Tip 5 - Listen to a Recorded Support Group Session - Have you come away from a supportive group of like-minded people and feel emotionally up lifted? Get yourself into a positive support group whenever you can; if not reach out for a recorded replay of such a session.

Tip 6 - Learn to Say "No" - Say "No" to the negative voice in your head and tell yourself that you will not allow anything or anyone to control how you feel - take the control back into your hands.

Tip 7 - Cry! - Yes, cry and let it all out if that helps. Crying is therapeutic and cleansing. It releases chemicals, stress hormones and toxins from your body and so reduces the built up of emotions in your system. Give yourself permission to cry and release those pent up feelings. You will be able to face the world again when you are renewed and refreshed.

Apply these tips and work with your emotions. Better still, be in a community with other single moms and share lessons learnt applying these tips. Being able to share your inner emotions with other single moms in a safe and supportive environment will greatly benefit you. Find a community in your area and get supported.

About the Author

Louisa Chan is a Certified Professional Coach who partners you for your success.

Article Source: Content for Reprint

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